
The first three fruits of the Spirit Paul lists in Galatians 5 are mental qualities oriented at our relationship with God. The next three are interpersonal qualities oriented at our…
Taming The Tongue

Taming the Tongue The Lord has been teaching me about self-control, in the form of what comes out of my mouth. I tend to be a bit harsh if I…
Duct Tape Treasure

Duct-Taped Treasure Almost all the memories I have of my Papa involve sitting. Sitting on the combine, tractor, or in his pick-up truck. Sitting on his lap eating ice cream…
A Match Struck
We are entering the Christmas season and the world around us tells us we must do more, have more, accomplish more, or we have failed. I would encourage you to…
Have you ever chosen a word to guide you throughout the new year or a particular season in your life? One year, I chose “journey” as I followed a new…
Knowing Scripture Pt. 2

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lying is wrong. Stealing is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Murder is wrong. Says who? Who decided that? Who got to determine what is considered right and what is considered wrong?…
Knowing Scripture Pt. 1

Why are you here? Not in a proverbial sense of “why do you exist,” but why are you here on this blog? What is your purpose, your motive, for setting…
The Not So Secret Introvert

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]I am a 28-year-old introvert, who was pushed for years to be something I was not. This was to be – outgoing, loud, and energetic. Well, I sit here…
Women’s Ministry Fall Calendar

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”” h4=”Women’s Ministry Fall Calendar” color=”peacoc” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Click Here to Download” btn_color=”peacoc” btn_link=””]Welcome Ladies, Please use the link below to download the Women’s Ministry Fall Calendar.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]